How Often Should You Redesign Your San Antonio Business Website?

Dec 23, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

The intricacies of website design are changing rapidly. New features are getting added regularly. Several websites over the internet do not offer the updated experience. The code is cumbersome and the theme looks outdated. This brings us to the question at hand? Do you need to update your website regularly? The answer is an emphatic ‘Yes’. But, how often should you do it? We would say every 3-5 years would be a good idea.

In this piece, we are going to talk about how to know that it is the right time to redesign your website.

1. Conversion Rates: Your website reflects your business to the outside world. It should be delivering results to you in the form of offering clients. The conversion rates are the number of people who are becoming your clients after visiting your website. This depicts the views and the customers you are getting out of those views. If your conversion rate is low, then it might be a good time to redo your website. 

It may happen that your website is not user-friendly or has too many errors. Maybe your website is targeting the wrong demographic. In any of these cases, you need to redesign your website.

2. Old technology: Browsers are getting updated with time. They have to keep adding security features and your website needs to adapt to them. There are a lot of features out there to bring your website to the new world. You need to add features like voice search, make a mobile version of the website. Therefore, if your website consists of any old technology, you need to redesign your website. 

3. Outdated Web Design: The looks and feel of your website needs to be fresh. It may happen that your website looks updated to you because you look at it everyday. Still, if your website still has old photos and information, then you need to bring it up to speed. The monitors of today are large and your photos should be able to compensate for them. There are websites which still have projects, which were undertaken a long time ago. Some of them also have photos of their old employees. 

To Wrap It Up

If you fall in any of these situations, then you need to update your website. There are advantages to updating your site regularly. This is because search engines like Google rank your website on the basis of how often a website gets updated.

This is exactly why you need an experienced team of reliable website designers, SEO experts and developers to help you map your strategies ahead. Here at Artgro, our experts know what’s best for your business and they ensure exactly that. We cater specifically to the success of your San Antonio and nearby businesses. Your business’ success is our top priority.

So, what are you waiting for? Call us today to know more about our services!