When to Get a new website for your San Antonio business?

Dec 2, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

A website can prove to be monumental for the success of your business. Your website should be appealing and should be easy to maintain. Chances are, you already have a website, but it is not doing you much good.

But, redesigning a website is not an easy task. It requires time and hard work. The problem is: how do you know that you need a new website? Well, we are here to give you some signs which you can analyse to decide whether you need a new website.

Sign #1: Consumer Conversion Rate is Low

Even if your website is listed at the top of the search engines, it does not matter. This is because it means that your website is attracting viewers. But, are those viewers being converted into actual clients? If the answer is no, then you need to update your website.

This lower conversion rate is owing to the fact that the viewers are not finding your website helpful. They are looking to solve their queries but your website is not able to offer them the solutions. Hence, redesign to address the consumers.

Sign #2: Mobile Optimisation

Any website needs to be optimised for mobile. The search engines now rank your website on whether it has been optimised for mobile. You should also realise that half of the viewers are browsing on their phones. Therefore, if your website is not optimised, you are missing out on a lot of traffic.

Hence, if you want to be ahead, optimise your website for the mobile and attract a lot more traffic.

Sign #3: Slower Page Load Speeds

It is a fact that 40% of the people leave if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load. Hence, if your website speed is slower, then that’s a lot of traffic you’re missing out on. Search engines also analyse page load speeds while determining your search ranking. Take a look at the Google PageSpeed Insights for your website. This will offer you a better idea on whether you need to remodel.

Sign #4: Outdated Looks

Your website should feel fresh and trendy. Take a look at the websites of your competitors. Are they being marketed differently? If yes, then you might need to do a little remodeling. If you haven’t updated your website for the past 3-5 years, then there’s a huge chance that you need to update it.

We, at Artgro, know it can be quite confusing to understand the nuances of website design and management especially if you are just starting out. This is exactly why you need an experienced team of reliable website designers, SEO experts and developers to help you map your strategies ahead.

Here at Artgro, our experts know what’s best for your business and they ensure exactly that. We cater specifically to the success of your San Antonio and nearby businesses. Your business’ success is our top priority.

So, what are you waiting for? Call us today to know more about our services!